In June we announced our latest Doodle 4 Google competition, in which we asked school students across New Zealand to draw their own version of the Google logo, inspired by the theme “If could travel back in time I would....” Now, over 7000 doodles later, we can announce the winning doodle ...
In June we announced our latest Doodle 4 Google competition, in which we asked school students across New Zealand to draw their own version of the Google logo, inspired by the theme “If could travel back in time I would....” Now, over 7000 doodles later, we can announce the winning doodle!

Congratulations to Oliver Lonsdale from Rolleston School, Christchurch. Oliver has won a Chromebook laptop and Nexus tablet for himself and $10,000 worth of technology for his school, as well as 10 Nexus tablets for being a National Year Group Winner. His doodle will be featured on early next year.

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Oliver’s Doodle was titled “Amelia the Great”. Oliver said "If I could travel back in time I would go back and see Amelia Earhart. She was the first women to fly the Atlantic Ocean. She vanished in 1937 somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. She set the fastest transcontinental flight in 1933.”


The National Age Group Winners spent yesterday at the Voyager Maritime Museum in Auckland for the unveiling of the National Winner. Oliver Lonsdale, George Wolfgramm, Caleb Lightfoot and Grace Elzenheimer were given a behind-the-scenes tour of the of the Museum and had a very special sailing experience on the scow Ted Ashby. The young doodlers also saw their work in a special display at the museum. A huge thanks to Karen Walters and Leichelle Tanoa for helping put together a special day of celebration at the Voyager Maritime Museum.


Thank you to all our thousands of doodlers from across New Zealand, and look out for Oliver’s doodle on our homepage.

Let’s all agree — mornings can be tough. Unless you’re an early riser who thrives on being up and about before dawn, it can take a little motivation just to get out of bed.
Let’s all agree — mornings can be tough. Unless you’re an early riser who thrives on being up and about before dawn, it can take a little motivation just to get out of bed.

The right music can easily lift your mood and help you shift up a gear. From today, if you’re a Google Play Music subscriber in New Zealand you’ll find it easier to get the perfect sounds for every moment of your day.

Whether you’re hitting the treadmill, studying for upcoming exams or unwinding after a long day at the office, when you open the app you’ll be able to select a station for a particular mood or activity.

Stations have been specially developed to fit the New Zealand lifestyle, including the classic Kiwi BBQ and Taking a Hike in our great outdoors. There are also specially commissioned stations of great Kiwi artists, from the Flying Nun Experience to Women of Aotearoa.

You can also download these stations to listen to when you’re offline, see what song is up next, and add, remove or rearrange them to suit your taste. Or you can start a new station based on any song in the mix. You can also search for a particular station you like or activity you want to find music for.

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With more than 35 million songs to choose from on Google Play Music, it can be hard to figure out what to listen to. Whether you prefer spacing out to Kiwi Dub, rollin’ to Hip Hop or reliving the good times with some of the country’s greatest hits, you’re sure to find a playlist to suit your situation with the updated Google Play Music app in New Zealand.