Google Māori made easier
I whakarewa a Google Māori i te wiki o te reo Māori 2008 hei whakaterenga i te Rapu Google i te reo rangatira.
Nā, kua whakarewatia inaiānei tētehi papapātuhi ngohe Māori hei āwhina atu i te hunga e tāuru ana i ngā kupu Māori ki te pouaka rapu o Google.
Kei te reo Māori ētehi oropuare roa - he mea tohua ki te tohutō i runga i te oropuare (pērā i te kupu Māori). Ko tā te papapātuhi ngohe Māori hou he huarahi e tere tuhi ai i ngēnei tohutō ki runga i ngā oropuare roa.
I mua rā nā te tapahi me te whakapiri i tuhia atu ai ngā tohutō nei ki te pouaka rapu. Heoi anō ināianei, ka pāwhiritia te papapātuhi ngohe Māori, ka tīpakohia te pātuhi tāware nako [`], ka tipakohia te oropuare roa, ana, ka puta mai te tohutō ki runga i taua oropuare roa. Kei te taha mauī o runga i te papapātuhi QWERTY e noho atu ana te pātuhi tāware nako [`].
Kia whakakāngia te papapātuhi ngohe Māori, haere ki te Google Māori, ā, i reira kōwiritia ai te reo Māori. Ka kitea atu tētehi ata iti o te papapātuhi kei te taha katau o te pouaka rapu. Pāwhiritia taua ata ka whakaāheitia mai te papapātuhi ngohe Māori. Ka taea te whakauru ngā tohutō mā te papapātuhi ngohe Māori nei, mā tō ake papapātuhi (mā ōu matimati) rānei. Me whērā anō, ka tīpakohia te pātuhi tāware nako [`], ka tipakohia te oropuare roa, ana, ka puta mai te tohutō.
Ahakoa he iti, he tautoko, ā, ko te tūmanako he mea akiaki tonu kia whai oranga a reo Māori i tēnei te Wiki o te Reo Māori, otirā kia whai oranga a reo Māori i ngā wiki katoa o te tau!
In 2008, during Māori Language Week, we launched Google Māori, which lets people navigate the Google interface in te reo Māori.
Now, to make it even easier for users who want to enter Māori text into the Google search box we’ve introduced a soft Māori keyboard.
In the Māori language, some vowels are lengthened - these are represented in text by a macron, or bar over the vowel (as in the word Māori). The new Māori soft keyboard allows users to quickly type these macron characters.
Previously Google Māori users needed to cut and paste the macron character into the search bar. Now, when the Māori soft keyboard is selected, they can simply hit the ‘grave’ accent key [`], usually found at the top left of a QWERTY keyboard, before typing a vowel.
To enable the keyboard go to Google Māori with the Māori language interface selected. On the right hand side of the search box a small keyboard icon appears. Click on this and the keyboard is enabled. Macron characters can be entered using the soft keyboard that is displayed, or your standard physical keyboard. Again, simply type the ‘grave’ accent key [`], followed by a vowel, and the macron vowel will appear.
It’s a little thing we hope will make a big difference and encourage more of our users to keep te reo Māori alive in their daily lives - during Māori Language Week and throughout the year.
Posted by Annie Baxter, Google NZ PR Manager